To Sign In

To Sign In (6342)

To sign in:

1. Double-click the Big Business icon.
The sign-in dialog box appears.
• Type your name. Enter your password.
• Click to choose your name from a list. (The Administrator can disable this feature.)

2. Click the down arrow next to the Name field, then choose your name from the list. If you are the first person to sign into Big Business, select Administrator from the list.
Tip: You can also type your name into the Name field. Type the first few charac- ters of your name and then press the Tab key to fill in the rest.

3. Type your password into the Password field. If you are the first person to sign into Big Business, leave the password field blank.
For security, bullets appear rather than the characters you type. 4. Click the OK button.

The Big Business toolbar appears at the top of the screen.


Signing Out

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  Chapter 2 Basics

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