Reporting Built Items with the Built Item List

Current reporting for Built Items in Big Business includes:

• Build Report By Item - provides a list of Items, sorted by Item Code, which need to be built, including components needed.
• Build Report by Component - provides a list of components, sorted by Item Code, and quantities needed for Items that need to be built.
• Buy Report for Builds - provides a list of components which need to be purchased for Items that need to be built
• Built Item List - provides a comprehensive list of Built Items and their components
• Bundled Item List - provides a comprehensive list of Bundled Items and their components

All of these Reports are comprehensive, and do not include the ReportSearch capability normally on found on Reports. For example, an Inventory Count Sheet allows you to restrict the Report to Items which meet criteria specified in a search. (3354)

The Built Item list provides a complete list of all Built Items in your Company file, as well as the components which comprise each Built Item.


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