PDF Emailer

Send documents with a click.
Automate your PDF workflow.


PDF Emailer

Portable Document Format (PDF) is the Internet-friendly way to send print-quality.

Start with quotes, order confirmations, and invoices, and work them into your flow.

Then, get some PO's out, a Report or two, and Statements for those still overdue.

Perhaps Pick Lists, to get Warehouse(s) started.

Get Set

Setup differs on Windows and Mac, and whether you have one email address per customer, or many.

For Windows, start by downloading PDF Emailer from Download. For Mac, you're already set up.

Next, go to Employee, My Prefs and for Print Options choose Advanced. This will give you Destinations.

Finally, open a Quote and see if there is a Shipping tab. If not, turn on Load Address in Customer Prefs.



Pre/Set Destinations

Destinations is a column in print options where you can pick your printer, or the warehouse printer.

For PDFs, you can choose Email to send to one address, or Send Email To to choose more than one.

You may also choose Save As PDF or Preview or Print To, to send any printer you have available.

Better, preset what you want in Printing Defaults, and turn off Show Print Dialogs for automatic.

Add Attachments

Big Business lets you add any attachments you have saved with items or transactions and set to send.

For a Quote, this might mean pictures or spec-sheets for the items or terms you send with quotes.

First, go to an item and add the file(s) you might want and set them to Send.

Then, in Settings for print options choose Send and pick the file(s) to attach.
