Edit Other Charges

Other Charges can be chosen for each Quote, Order, or Invoice, and can be used for calculated values. For example, one invoice might include a freight charge based on shipping weight while another might include a rush charge based on a percentage of the invoice total.
You define the charges that you want available through the Other Charges field. You name the field, decide how charges should be calculated, and choose the category that will be credited. In addition, you can lock the field so that users can’t override the calculated value.

To define an Other Charges entry:
1. Choose Show List from the Other Charges QuickPop list.
2. Click the Add button.
3. Define the entry in the dialog box that appears.
4. Click the OK button to add the entry to the list. (3073)

Other Charges can be changed independently for each Quote, Order, or Invoice, and can be used for calculated values. For example, one invoice might include a freight charge based on shipping weight while another might include a rush charge based on a percentage of the invoice total.

You define the charges that you want available through the Other Charges field. You name the field, decide how charges should be calculated, and choose the category that will be credited. In addition, you can lock the field so that users can’t override the calculated value.

To define an Other Charges entry:

1. Choose Show List from the Other Charges QuickPop list.

2. Click the Edit or Add button.

3. Define the entry in the dialog box that appears.

4. Click the OK button to add the entry to the list.


  Chapter 320 Other Charges

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