Load Only Recent Customers

You can restrict the Customer Listing to load just those Customers who are new or have purchased recently (within a specified period). You can still find old Customers with a search. (5543)

Enter a number of days in the Customer Preferences, and Big Business will load all customers except those whose Last Invoice Date is older than the number of days entered.

To Set the Load Listing option:

1. On the Customer toolbar, select the last tool, Customer Prefs.

2. Enter a number of days into the Load Listing For field. For example, enter 365 to exclude customers whose last invoice is more than a year ago. Enter 0 or "All" to load all customers.

3. Click the OK button to save changes.

The new settings affect all users. Current users will need to quit and sign-in again to use the new settings.

To create a new transaction for an 'excluded' customer:

1. Use the Customer QuickSearch to find the customer.

2. Double-click to open their Customer Card.

3. Go the History tab of the Customer Card.

4. Click the tool button for the transaction you wish to create.


  Chapter 503 Customer Preferences

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