Understanding ETAs

Big Business tracks several ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for anticipating Vendor deliveries and setting customer expectations or scheduling fulfillment.


BB tracks several ETA dates including:
• P.O. ETA - the ETA of the Purchase Order as a whole
• P.O. Line Item ETAs- the ETAs of Line Items on the Purchase Order
• Item ETA - the ETA of the Item as a whole (next expected shipment)
• S.O.. Line Item ETAs - the ETAs of Line Items on the Sales Order

1. When you create a new Purchase Order (and select the Vendor), Big Business sets the PO Date to Today (using the Date&Time on the Server for Multi-User), then sets the P.O. ETA to Today plus the number of Vendor ETA Days listed on the Vendor Card.

2. P.O. Line Item ETAs are set to the P.O. ETA automatically and can be overwritten with individual ETAs (if these vary for various Line Items).

3. If you change the P.O. ETA, you will be asked if you want to "Change the ETAs of all Line Items?".

4. When a PO is Saved, Modified, or filled by a Bill, the Item ETA is updated to the next (chronological) P.O. Line Item ETA, which has an Open Quantity (is not yet filled).

5. When an Line Item is entered on a Sales Order the S.O.. Line Item ETA is automatically set to:
- today if it's (inventoried) On Hand
- the Item ETA if it's not on hand, but on order
- Today plus Vendor ETA days if it neither on hand, nor on order, but has a Vendor listed
- today if none of the above apply


Next: Add Order At Least

  Chapter 5 Item

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