Creating a Vendor Debit Memo

Big Business 3.0.7 adds support for Vendor Debit Memos, including:

• Entering negative Quantities on a Bill
• Creating Debit Memos from Return Requests (negative POs)
• Forms for printing Debit Memos

This Solution describes the new functionality. (5643)

Enter a negative quantity to create a Return Request...

Vendor Debit Memos are entered in the same manner as Bills, except that the Quantities are negative.

• Enter negative Quantities on a Bill
• Create Debit Memos from Return Requests (negative POs)
• Print to Debit Memos forms.

To Create a Debit Memo:

1. Create a new Bill for the Vendor.
2. Enter the Item(s) being returned using negative quantities, or Carry Forward a Return Request by entering the PO number.
3. Enter any Credit Memor or reference number in the Invoice# field.
4. Click the OK button to save the memo.
5. If printing, select one of the Return Request layouts:
Debit Memo (Plain Paper)
Debit Memo with Comments (Plain Paper)
Debit Memo (Preprinted #80625)
Debit Memo with Comments (Preprinted #80625)

Note that Debit Memos automatically update inventory counts including On Order and On Hand for the Items being returned to the Vendor.


Next: Batch Delete of Bills

  Chapter 4 Vendor

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