Landed Cost and Landed Cost Percentage

Big Business 5.0.8 adds fields for Landed Cost and Landed Cost Percentage (%) to the Item Card's History tab.

This Solution describes these new entries. (5934)

Landed Cost and Landed Cost Percentage appear on the History tab of the Item Card.

Landed Cost is an entry for tracking your estimated landed cost for an Item, and can be selected in the Quotes Preferences as the cost that appears on the Profitability tab of Quotes. It is automatically updated using the Landed Cost Percentage, whenever the Cost of an Item changes.

Landed Cost Percentage is an entry for estimating your landed cost for an item, by entering a percentage that is added to your Cost to estimate Landed Cost. If you enter a Landed Cost, the Landed Cost Percentage is updated. The Landed Cost Percentage is used to update the Landed Cost whenever the Cost of the Item changes.

Landed Cost and Landed Cost Percentage are included in the Item QuickSearch, QuickChange, and Save To Disk, and appear in the Item Import and Update Items Import.


Quotes Use Cost, Average Cost, or Landed Cost

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