Search Tool

Searching (6382)

To make it easy to find just the information you need, Big Business includes QuickSearch, a powerful search function that lets you specify which criteria to look for. You can see all the companies located in a particular city, find all the bills larger than an amount you specify, or get a list of all the items you have purchased from a particular vendor.

QuickSearch is specific to the kind of window you're searching in. For example, there are separate QuickSearch buttons for Customer Cards and Vendor Cards. The button is different for each type of search, but always contains a magnifying glass.

You use the QuickSearch dialog box to search for information. It contains three fields, which you use to build a "sentence" that tells Big Business what you're looking for. There are three parts (called search criteria) in this sentence--Search Name, Search Type, and Search Value.

For example, suppose you want to find all your customers located in the western United States. You might use Zip Code for the Search Name, "begins with" for the Search Type, and 9 for the Search Value. These criteria tell Big Business to find all the customers whose zip codes start with nine.


  Chapter 88 Searches

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