Receiving Miscellaneous Payments

Receiving Miscellaneous Payments (6472)

Your business may sometimes receive payments that don't result from sales--refunds, rebates, and similar payments. You use the Receive Money window for these payments, but follow a process different from the one used for customer payments.

To receive miscellaneous payments, you choose Other from the pop-up list in the upper left of the window. This displays fields you can use to enter the miscellaneous payment.
Make sure to use the button to save any payments in the Receive Money window before choosing Other from the pop-up list. If you don't save, the contents of the window will be lost when you switch.

There are three basic steps to receiving a miscellaneous payment:
• Entering who the payment is from into the Payment Received From field.
• Entering payment information. You enter this information the same way you do for customer payments. See "Entering Customer and Payment Information," earlier in this section, for details.
• Choosing the category you want to apply to the payment. You can apply more
than one category by clicking the Split button and entering the categories and amounts in the list that appears.


  Chapter 324 Customer Payments

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