
Hide/Show settings on the Employee card, Access tab, let you set employees to see, or not see, certain controls. Among these are Custom Tabs, the Duplicate button, the Memorize button, and the TaxJar Lookup button.

This Solution describes this option. (6770)

Hide Customer Custom Tab lets you hide the optional custom tab on Customer cards. The 33 custom fields are often used for exernal data to coordinate with CRM, eCommerce, Email, and Social services.

Hide Vendor Custom Tab lets you hide the optional custom tab on Vendor cards.

Hide Item Custom Tabs lets you hide the optional custom tabs on Items cards. These tabs are often used for extenal data for eCommerce.

Hide Duplicate hides the Duplicate button found on most transactions. Duplicate can be a great time saver but may also introduce errors by duplicating outdated information. There are many settings which update duplicated data automatically to meet your needs.

Hide Customer Forms hides the Tab that appears on Customer card when you turn on Show Forms Tab in the Customer Card Prefs in the Customer Prefs.


Custom Tab on Customer and Vendor

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