Chapter 26 Web Server

Big Business 14 updates the Web Server for its primary use, connecting iPads/iPhones.

Serving customer-facing content is best done with a hardened service for web hosting, blogging, or e-commence. Big Business offers various connections to these services.

Web Server is a tool for connecting employees using iPads or iPhones, not a full Client. It is also available for allowing systems you code to access the Big Business Web API.

  Web Server

Web Server is an Add-On for Big Business Server to support:
• BizApp Connect -- to connect a custom app for iPad or iPhone
• Web API -- an application programming interface

This Solution provides details. (6532)

Big Business includes a Web Server that can be set up with a few clicks to enable:
• BizApp Cloud -- sharing services for iPad / iPhone
• Lightning Web / Mobile -- Web 2.0 application
• Web API -- application programming interface

This next-generation HTTP server is a multithreaded server that is much more than a means of serving up Web pages. It serves as one of many ways of making your data available to others, and has been further modernized to bring more capabilities:
• Full Web standards support
• Improved cache management
• Native GZIP support, with automatic and programmatic compression
• A new fully-threaded architecture designed for higher scalability

That said, it is simple to set up and use. With your registration you will receive step-by-step instructions which cover:
• choosing Web Server Settings and clicking Start
• editing Employee Cards to allow access
• using the enabled service

  Web Server Settings

Web Server Settings lets you change settings used by the Web Server and Start or Stop the Web Server. The Web Server Settings tool is found on the Maintenance toolbar in your Big Business Client.

This Solution provides addtional details. (6530)

Web Server Settings lets you change settings used by the Web Server and Start or Stop the Web Server. The Web Server Settings tool is found on the Maintenance toolbar in your Big Business Client.

The Web Server runs on Big Business Server, but you turn it on from Big Business Client. When you turn it on it automatically configures. If you change settings turn it off for a minute or two, then turn it on again for the new settings to take effect.

You will receive step-by-step instructions for settings, along with your registration.

Settings include:
Secure Port -- the port to be used for secure connections
Run At Startup -- automatically start Web Server with Big Business Server
BizApp Cloud -- sharing services for iPad / iPhone
Lightning Web / Mobile -- Web 2.0 application
Web API -- application programming interface
Web Passwords - require passwords (not needed for BizApp or Lightning)

  Web Server Setup

Web Server setup is done in Big Business Client.

This Solution provides details. (5841)

Web Server setup is done in Big Business Client.

For most uses, you will not need to change any of the presets in Database Settings in Big Business Server.

  Web Server Security

The Web Server built into Big Business automatically supports secure connections.

This Solution provides details. (5838)

The Web Server built into Big Business automatically supports secure connections.

For example, to connect an iPad solution, like BizApp9, you just set a Secure Port and click Start. You can use any port, such as 443 or 8080, to avoid any conflicts. When the Web Server starts Big Business automatically creates needed keys and certificates. When you connect iPads, the connection is secure, and your data is safe.

When the Web Server is running it sets its Standard Port to the one below the Secure Port. For most uses the Standard Port is blocked. For example, iPad connections are rejected if they are not secure. Depending on your needs, this can be changed, but it means you should not rely on the Standard Port, even for testing.

Web Server Settings are found in your Big Business Client on the Maintenance toolbar. With few exceptions, the Database Settings and HTTP Tab on the Server are not used. Clicking Start on the Server Administration Window does not work to complete the required setup. You must click Start in the Web Server Setting in a Big Business Client. And, you must provide credentials, such as creating a Token for each iPad, in an Employee Card.

Depending on your use, you will receive simple step-by-step instructions for setup. These are often included in an email along with any needed Registration Codes.

  Enabling the Web Server

The Web Server is an upgrade to your regular Big Business user license.

This Solution describes upgrading. (5839)

The Web Server is an upgrade to your regular Big Business user license.

Upgrading Big Business

The Upgrade button on the Company Card opens a dialog that allows you to add
additional users to your Big Business product license, or to purchase new products
such as the Web Server.

You can use Big Business without registering for 30 days or 100 uses, whichever comes first. After the trial period has expired, you must register Big Business by calling to purchase.

When you call:
• You can purchase a Big Business multi-user system, or add additional user seats.
• You can purchase Web Server.
• You can select other Add-Ons to meet your business needs.

  Lightning Web / Mobile

Lightning is an Add-On for Big Business that provides a web interface to your data. This Solution provides an overview. (6274)

Lightning is a component for Big Business that provides a web interface to your data, providing a Web 2.0 application for remote and mobile users needing fast access.

It can be customized to allow adding, editing, or review of entries such as Customers, Quotes, and Orders, from standard a web browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Exporer).

On mobile devices Lightning leverages appropriate technologies, such as jQuery, to provice a rich mobile experience.

To save on download times, Lightning is not usually pre-installed with Big Business.

  Web Server Error

Big Business 14 can generate an error trying to run the Web Server due to permissions.

Big Business 14 Disk Image fix this problem. Please install a newer version to correct.

  Web Server Update

BigBusiness 14 updates the Web Server to automate and simplify the certificate setup.

Upgrading from BigBusiness 13, no configuration change is needed for iPad connection. If you install a new computer for BigBusiness Server 14, you may need router changes.