Editing Your Contact Information

This solution describes how to edit your contact information. The company card in Big Business includes spaces for your Company Name, Address, Phone, Fax, URL (web address), and E-Mail information. (3288)

Big Business automatically adds your company contact information to Plain Paper forms, Shipping Labels, and other printouts, where appropriate. Big Business uses your Company Name, Address, Phone, Fax, E-Mail, and URL (Uniform Resource Locator, your web address) information, as they appear on the Company Card.

If you paste your Company Logo into Printed Forms Artwork, the logo will replace contact information on Plain Paper forms.

If printing on letterhead, paste one white pixel into Printed Forms Artwork to prevent your Company information from printing.

To edit your company contact information:
1. From the Maintenance toolbar, select the Company Card
2. Edit Company Name, Address, Phone, Fax, URL or E-Mail information.
3. Click the OK button to Save.

Experiment with different entries to achieve desired results and be creative! For example, Country is an excellent place to insert a Tax ID or License information you want to print on every transaction.


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